J. Martin Anderson, DDS
Teaching Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Operative Dentistry

Daniel C. N. Chan, DMD, MS, DDS, FADM, FICD
Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Dental materials and how they interact with the biology of the human mouth.

Yen-Wei Chen, DDS, MSD
Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
All ceramic systems and the application of CAD/CAM technology in restorative dentistry.

Kwok-Hung (Albert) Chung, DDS, PhD
Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Division of Dental Materials Science
Box 357456
Research Interests
Nano restorative materials used in clinical dentistry and the biomechanics of dental implants.

Sami Dogan, DDS, Dr. Med. Dent.
Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
In vivo mineralization and characterization of the remineralized tissues.

Xuelian (Grace) Huang, DDS, PhD
Acting Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Research Interests
Dr. Huang’s scholarly work is focused on Cariology, Molecular Microbiolgy, Microbiome and anticaries dental materials. Her current research program focuses on (1) Novel anti-caries catalysts metal titanates to modulate the virulence of cariogenic biofilms and (2) the role of oral arginolytic bacteria on the initiation and progression of radiation caries. Her current research is support by NIDCR K08 award.

Susanne Kölare Jeffrey, DDS, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Office, Lab: B-154
Research Interests
Saliva as a diagnostic fluid

Mats Kronstrom, DDS, PhD
Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Clinical studies in Implant Dentistry in order to develop new and less expensive treatment options for edentulous patients.

Pollene Speed McIntyre, MS, DDS, FACD
Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Co-Director, Operative Clerkship
Box 357456
Research Interests
Preventive dentistry, pediatric and community dentistry, geriatric dentistry, and access to care issues.

Sangeetha Nedunchezhian, BDS
Clinical Instructor, Restorative Dentistry
RIDE Restorative Liaison
Box 357456

James E. Newman Jr., DDS
Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Research Interests
Digital teaching methods in the Dental Anatomy Curriculum

Chin-Chun (Jean) Peng, DDS, MSD, FACP
Assistant Teaching Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research interests
Printed materials for fixed and removal prostheses

Alireza Sadr, DDS, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Dr. Sadr’s scholarly work is focused on research and development of new restorative dental materials, mainly resin composites and adhesives.

Ernesto Ricardo Schwedhelm, DDS, MSD, FRCDC(P)
Associate Dean, Infrastructure and Development,
Clinical Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456

Kavita Shor, BDS, MSD
Assistant Teaching Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Implant Dentistry and CAD/CAM technology.

John A. Sorensen, DMD, PhD, FACP
Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Director, Biomimetics Biomaterials Biophotonics Biomechanics & Technology Laboratory B4T
Director of Research, Graduate Prosthodontics Program
Director of Research, Department of Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Applied materials research for fixed, removable and implant prosthodontics.

Kerry Streiff, DDS
Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Ethics Curriculum Director

Alan Sutton, DDS, MS
Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Director, Maxillofacial Prosthetics Services
Research Interests
Maxillofacial prosthetics and rehabilitation of the head and neck trauma and oncological patient.

Van Ramos, Jr, DDS
Teaching Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Director, Graduate Prosthodontics

Alvin G. Wee, DDS, BDS, MS, MPH, PhD
Washington Dental Service Endowed Chair in Dentistry
Professor and Chair, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Clinical translational aspects of color science with regard to teeth/skin and their respective restorative materials; Early detection of oral and oropharyngeal cancer; and Educational research in the area of restorative dentistry and prosthodontics.

Hai Zhang, DMD, PhD
Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Box 357456
Research Interests
Mineralized tissue biology and regeneration. Biomimetic restorative materials, dental implantology and applications of innovative technology in Prosthodontics and restorative dentistry.
Emeritus Faculty
Glen Johnson, DDS, MS, Professor Emeritus, Restorative Dentistry
Xavier Lepe, DDS, MS, Associate Professor Emeritus, Restorative Dentistry
Sandra L. Phillips, MPA, Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus, Restorative Dentistry
Jeffrey E. Rubenstein, DMD, MS, Professor Emeritus, Restorative Dentistry, Division of Prosthodontics