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RIDE students

RIDE: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is it like to be a RIDE student?
    • After a month long orientation and summer quarter at the University of Washington School of Dentistry (UWSOD) in Seattle, RIDE students receive their first and second year of dental education in Spokane, WA at Eastern Washington University (EWU).
    • RIDE students generally work in small groups with more direct faculty interaction.
    • RIDE students interact closely with medical and dental hygiene students, and health professionals while on community rotations.
    • RIDE students participate in some classes via distance learning using videoconferencing and learning management systems such as Canvas. Other multimedia technologies used are streaming video and course recording.
    • RIDE students spend more time on external rotations in community health center dental clinics.
    • RIDE students are exposed to professional and lifestyle opportunities in smaller, rural communities.
  2. Where do RIDE students attend their first and second year of dental school?
    • Students go to the EWU Spokane campus located in downtown Spokane. The UW/Gonzaga Health Partnership 840 Building, which houses the UW School of Medicine Spokane WWAMMI Program, is the main location of most of the teaching activities for RIDE students. The building has state of the art facilities and is in a great location.
  3. Where do students attend their third and fourth years of dental school?
    • Third year RIDE students complete their clerkships at UWSOD in Seattle. Fourth year RIDE students spend approximately half the year in Seattle and the other half participating in extended rotations at affiliated community health center dental clinics.

  1. How do I apply for RIDE?
    • Applicants interested in the RIDE program must first apply to the UWSOD through the standard admissions process. RIDE students must be accepted into UWSOD first, before being considered for RIDE placement. Applying for the RIDE program is a secondary consideration and has no bearing on your acceptance to UWSOD. NOTE: If you are accepted into the RIDE program, that is your spot at UWSOD. If you decline the RIDE spot you also decline UWSOD. Please ensure that if you apply for RIDE you are prepared to take that spot upon acceptance to the school.
    • Applicants interested in the RIDE program, who are invited to interview with UWSOD, will be given a supplemental essay question to include along with their application (late fall).
    • The UWSOD typically receives over 1000 applications per year. The entering class size is 71, including 16 RIDE spots.
  2. What does the UWSOD look for in a RIDE student?
    • Once applicants are accepted into the UWSOD program, those that expressed interest in RIDE are assessed for commitment to serving rural and/or underserved communities and educational goals in alignment with our mission. Other considerations include academic achievement, leadership, and interpersonal skills. This is demonstrated in your application through community service/volunteer experience, work experience, rural community connection, and personal statement. As a Washington State funded program, RIDE also prioritizes Washington state residency and residency in WWAMI states secondarily.
  3. What is the application deadline for applicants interested in RIDE?
    • RIDE applicants are highly encouraged to submit their application early in the process. There are limited number of seats available for this program and it fills quickly. See DDS Admissions for more information on UWSOD application timeline.
  4. Can I talk to a RIDE student to learn more about the program?
    • Yes, RIDE students look forward to connecting with applicants interested in RIDE. We will be happy to put applicants in contact with current or previous RIDE students.

  1. How does the RIDE experience differ from the Seattle-based experience?
    • RIDE students spend their first and second years of school at the Eastern Washington University (EWU) campus in Spokane, WA.
    • The RIDE program is equivalent to the Seattle-based program with the same length and curriculum, employing a mix of distance learning modalities and on-site instruction by Spokane faculty. RIDE students take the same courses and exams as Seattle-based students, most through live broadcast between Seattle and Spokane classrooms / labs.
    • RIDE students do receive additional programming related to dental leadership and interprofessional training as well as extensive clinical rotation experience. RIDE students also benefit from a smaller class size/student to instuctor ratio and greater proximity to rural communities (with a lower cost of living than Seattle) while they are in Spokane.
  2. How are courses taught using distance learning technology?
    • Depending on structure and content, many courses are delivered using distance learning modalities. To ensure equivalency of education, all UWSOD first and second year courses are taught in partnership with EWU RIDE faculty. Common syllabi, tests, and exam questions are coordinated between the course directors.
    • When didactic courses are broadcast live from Seattle, RIDE students can view the lecture presentation, ask questions in real-time, and discuss in small groups from the classroom in Spokane with EWU faculty there in-person to answer questions and facilitate the curriculum. In addition to live, two-way transmission of content, some courses have UW and EWU faculty jointly teaching the class, with lectures broadcast live from Spokane. Also, some lectures are offered asynchronously, with the material recorded and posted to course websites for students to view at their convenience.
  3. Is tuition different for the RIDE program?
    • No, tuition is the same for all UWSOD students.
  4. Are there any disadvantages to being in the RIDE program?
    • Geographic separation from the larger dental school class during the first, second and for part of the fourth year of dental school might be considered a disadvantage to some. However, spending five weeks in Seattle at the beginning of first year during Early Clinical Immersion allows the RIDE students to connect to the Seattle-based students before they move to Spokane. In addition, RIDE students have the benefit of a small-group learning environment and participate in interdisciplinary groups with dental hygiene and medical students. Another perceived disadvantage might be the need to re-locate to Seattle after the second year in Spokane.
  5. Do RIDE students have volunteer opportunities at EWU Spokane?
    • Yes, RIDE students at EWU Spokane have access to various local volunteer activities. Examples include weekend oral heath outreach programs for area veterans and Native American youth.
  6. Can RIDE students participate in research projects?
    • While the RIDE curriculum does not allow for students to enroll in the official research elective due to clinical rotation requirements, RIDE students are able to participate in self-guided research projects with faculty mentorship during their studies.
  7. Does the RIDE Program include Public Health or Public Policy courses or certifications?
    • No, the RIDE program is a DDS degree, it does not require any courses related to Public Health or Public Policy as part of the standard DDS curriculum. The RIDE program does place an emphasis on community health training/leadership and serving rural/underserved populations broadly.

  1. When do RIDE students go on clinical rotation?
    • At the start of their second year, RIDE students participate in a 4-week clinical rotation (RUOP) at a community health center dental clinic serving rural or underserved patients. RIDE students return to rural community health centers for 5 months of clinical experience during their fourth year.
  2. Where are RIDE clinical sites located?
    • RIDE sites are currently all Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) or Tribal clinics and are located in Eastern and Central Washington. The availability of RIDE clinics varies every year depending on clinic capacity. See RIDE Map for current site locations.
    • We have one Western WA rural clinical site and with cohort expansion, are exploring onboarding additional Western Washington RIDE site locations in the coming years.
  3. How are RIDE site locations chosen?
    • All RIDE rotation sites are thoroughly vetted and onboarding new sites is an extensive process involving the execution of affiliation and program agreements, credentialing of Affiliate Faculty, onboarding of staff/faculty, and in-person site visits by the RIDE Director. This process ensures that each site meets the high-quality standards of UWSOD and RIDE program education.
  4. What is the process for student placement at site locations?
    • Each clinic has unique qualities and experiences. Student placements are determined by the RIDE Director and Regional Clinical Director to best match each clinic with individual student needs and strengths. Student preferences are not a guarantee of site location placement. All RIDE site locations provide an excellent educational experience and meet the clinical/procedure requirements of the RIDE rotation.
    • While site availability changes every year, RIDE maintains the goal of placing students at the same location for both clinical rotations wherever possible.

  1. How are housing logistics determined?
    • RIDE students are responsible for finding their own housing during their time at EWU Spokane and UWSOD Seattle. During the two clinical rotations, established UW/clinic housing, or a monthly housing stipend in the form of rent reimbursement is provided during the rotation period for all site locations.
  2. How are transportation logistics determined?
    • Students are expected to provide their own ground transportation. While on rotation, a travel stipend may be offered to students with long or difficult commutes to their clinical sites.
  3. Can RIDE students bring their family with them during rotations?
    • Yes, many RIDE students have families. Because there are relocations involved with this program, we work with students to find appropriate placements and housing to accommodate families. If you would like to connect with a current or former RIDE student with a family to hear their experiences, please contact the RIDE Program Manager.

  1. Is there a requirement for RIDE students to work in public or community health clinics following graduation?
    • No, RIDE does not have any contractual provisions or claw back requirements related to employment post-graduation.
  2. Can RIDE students choose to complete a specialty program after graduation?
    • Yes, many RIDE students have chosen to complete specialty programs after graduation such as Endodontics, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatrics, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics.
  3. How does RIDE measure program success?
    • Each year, RIDE reaches out to alumni to gather their most updated practice location to determine if they are practicing in a rural or underserved area. We use the Federal HRSA Data Warehouse to assess if their practice address is in a Dental HPSA (Health Professional Shortage Area) and the USDA’s RUCA (Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes) designation to find out if it is in a rural area. In addition to these indicators, we count alumni practicing at FQHCs, Tribal, IHS, or VA clinics as serving underserved populations regardless of location.
    • As of September 2023, 81% of RIDE alumni are currently serving populations in rural and/or underserved areas