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Graduate Program

Graduate Curriculum

The UW graduate program in Orthodontics consists of eleven quarters of academic course work, clinical training, and research experience, leading to a Master of Science in Dentistry and/or a Certificate in Orthodontics.

2024-2025 Curriculum

Year One

Summer Quarter 1

ORTHO 562 1 Ortho Theory 1
ORTHO 570 2 Cephalometrics 1
ORTHO 580 Head & Neck Anatomy
ORTHO 597 1 Ortho Technique
ORTHO 598 1 Archwire Formation 1
ORTHO 660 1 Clinical Ortho 1*
DENT 565 2 Photographic Imaging
DPHS 568 Biostatistics
DPHS 569 Clinical Epidemiology
ORALB 579 Molecular Biology
ORALM 580 Oral Radiology

Autumn Quarter 2

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 1
ORTHO 563 2 Ortho Theory 2
ORTHO 570 2 Cephalometrics 2
ORTHO 598 1 Archwire Formation 2
ORTHO 600 2 Research
ORTHO 660 2 Clinical Ortho 2
RES D 588 2 Occlusional Analysis
PERIO 575 Immunologic Aspects of Oral Disease

Winter Quarter 3

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 2
ORTHO 564 2 Ortho Theory 3
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 1
ORTHO 591 Orofacial Biology
ORTHO 599 1 Biomechanics/Biomaterials
ORTHO 600 2 Research
ORTHO 660 2 Clinical Ortho 3
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 1

Spring Quarter 4

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 3
ORTHO 565 2 Ortho Theory 4
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 2
ORTHO 585 3 Surgical Ortho 1
ORTHO 592 Orofacial Biology
ORTHO 598 1 Archwire Formation 3
ORTHO 660 2 Clinical Ortho 4
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 2
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis

Year Two

Summer Quarter 5

ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 4
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 3
ORTHO 585 3 Surgical Ortho 2
ORTHO 660 3 Clinical Ortho 5
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 3
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis

Autumn Quarter 6

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 5
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 4
ORTHO 584 2 Craniofacial Anomalies
ORTHO 585 3 Surgical Ortho 3
ORTHO 589 1 Applied Psychology
ORTHO 660 3 Clinical Ortho 6
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 4
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis

Winter Quarter 7

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 6
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 5
ORTHO 585 3 Surgical Ortho 4
ORTHO 660 3 Clinical Ortho 7
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 5
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis
ORALM 570 2 Oral Medicine and Therapy

Spring Quarter 8

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 7
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 6
ORTHO 587 Debilitated Malocclusions
ORTHO 660 3 Clinical Ortho 8
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 6 Pre-Doc Lecture
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis
ORALB 574 3 Clinical Stomatology

Year 3

Summer Quarter 9

ORTHO 560 2 Ortho Seminar 8
ORTHO 566 2 Advanced Theory
ORTHO 582 2 Interdisciplinary Seminar 7
ORTHO 660 3 Clinical Ortho 9
ORTHO 682 1 Interdisciplinary Clinic 7
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis

Autumn Quarter 10

ORTHO 552 1 Journal Club*
ORTHO 568 1 Practice Management
ORTHO 575 Post Retention Conference
ORTHO 660 Clinical Ortho 10
ORTHO 682 Interdisciplinary Clinic 8
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis

Winter Quarter 11

ORTHO 568 1 Practice Management
ORTHO 660 3 Clinical Ortho 11
DENT 700 3 Master’s Thesis

Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

Orthodontic Theory: These seminar-lecture courses focus on the principles of orthodontic theory & their application to orthodontic diagnosis & treatment. This complex subject is divided into several areas: orthodontic diagnosis & treatment of arch length problems; biomechanics & analysis of anteroposterior problems; orthodontic theory relating to transverse or lateral problems; diagnosis & treatment of vertical problems. An evidence-based approach to assessing the literature is emphasized.

Orthodontic Technique; Biomechanics/Biomaterials; and Archwire Formation: Technique is presented in seminar-lecture classes during the first year of the program. These courses prepare students for their first experiences in clinical orthodontics by introducing the biological bases of orthodontics and the technical skills required to treat patients. Indications and contraindications of commonly used techniques and appliances are discussed in detail.

Orthodontic Seminar: The clinical-seminar portion of the program begins in the second quarter of the first year, with half-day sessions meeting four days per week. Each day begins with a lecture-seminar guided by the instructors in charge of clinic that day. Following discussion of the specific topic assigned for the week, a case is presented by a student with emphasis on analysis of the diagnostic records, establishing a problem list with consideration of alternative solutions, and formulation of a treatment plan. With topics assigned by week, students are exposed to the views of various clinical instructors. Illustrative case materials from the instructors’ private practices are included to supplement the formal lectures. An attempt is made to couple the theory seminars with an appropriate clinical seminar for each week in order to aid students in transfer of information from pertinent literature to the clinical setting.

Orthodontic Clinic: Four clinic sessions per week are devoted to treatment of routine orthodontic patients. Students are assigned patients with complete eruption of the permanent dentition as well as those in the primary or mixed dentition. Case selection is carried out by faculty and is directed toward securing a representative sample of orthodontic problems that students will encounter in private practice. Clinical supervision is provided by at least two instructors per day who direct treatment mechanics similar to the manner in which they treat in their own practices. All patients are treated with edgewise appliances with only minor differences depending upon each instructor’s own therapeutic philosophy. Clinic coverage provides a one-to-one student-to-instructor ratio for each patient appointment. Detailed records of all appointments are kept in patient charts by both students and instructors. Performance of all students is evaluated and recorded for each clinic appointment.

Cephalometrics: Roentgenographic cephalometry is an invaluable tool for the practitioner in appraising skeletal, dental, and facial morphology. The goals of this course are to introduce students to the basic principles, rationale, history, and technique of cephalometry used in diagnosis, growth prediction, treatment planning, post-treatment case study, and research. Advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of this radiographic procedure are covered in depth.

Orofacial Biology: Orthodontic therapy affects and involves orofacial tissues at the cellular level. Thus the qualified orthodontist must have a good understanding of orofacial biology. This course provides students with instruction in the basic biology that underlies form and function of the jaws. In addition to learning concepts and the body of information relating to craniofacial development, anatomy, growth, and function, students gain experience in reading, evaluating, and synthesizing the primary literature.

Oral Radiology: Current concepts in oral radiology including technical factors, radiation risks, observer characteristics and variation, radiographic localization, interpretation, and overview of extra-oral techniques.

Photographic Imaging: Principles and techniques involved in producing high quality intra-oral and extra-oral images for use in orthodontic diagnosis. It will also include discussion of the most current methods and instrumentation involved in computer-generated image management and prediction software designed for use in the orthodontic office.

Biostatistics: Topics include descriptive statistics, elementary probability, comparison of two-sample means and proportions, simple linear regression and correlation. Parametric and nonparametric methods are discussed and more advanced methods are briefly described.

Clinical Epidemiology and Study Design: Epidemio-logical concepts are discussed as they relate to clinical dental research. Study design terminology is introduced and specific study designs are discussed, emphasizing case/control studies and randomized clinical trials.

Masticatory Functional Analysis and Occlusal Adjustment: This lecture, clinical and laboratory course covers the physiology of occlusion. Pertinent literature is reviewed and discussed from a multidisciplinary viewpoint. Clinical sessions include training in masticatory functional analysis and diagnosis of occlusion-related diseases, followed by orthodontic tooth set-up and occlusal adjustment to meet the objectives of an optimal functional relationship.

Clinical Stomatology: Diseases of the oral cavity and jaw are presented as the practitioner encounters them — through detailed clinical pictures, laboratory tests, radiographic findings, and surgical exploration. Emphasis is on development of a differential diagnosis prior to establishment of a working diagnosis. Established therapeutic procedures are discussed.

Oral Medicine and Therapy: Lecture directed toward the presentation and discussion of oral diseases and oral manifestations of systemic disease. Primarily the clinical manifestations’ relationship to generalized disease processes and patient management with in-depth discussions of therapy.

Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Interdisciplinary Patients: Four quarters of seminar and six of clinic courses prepare graduate students in orthodontics, periodontics, and restorative dentistry to care for patients with complex orthodontic needs involving periodontal and/or restorative interaction. Clinical supervision is under the direction of three instructors who approve treatment plans and direct treatment.

Surgical Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Treatment of major skeletal and dental disharmonies requires integration of surgical and orthodontic treatment. These courses provide graduate students with a didactic background in the principles, rationale and current practices of orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment. Emphasis is on diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment monitoring, and understanding of positive and negative treatment results.

Applied Psychology in Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry: Psychological theories, research, and intervention strategies are applied to orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. Topics include principles of behavior change, patient compliance, and motivations for orthodontic treatment.

Clinical Management of Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies: Through this course at Children’s Hospital students gain insight into the interdisciplinary management of these complex patients. Specific evaluation and treatment modalities are illustrated through lectures, seminars and readings. The integrated approach to management is illustrated by attendance at craniofacial staff meetings and clinics.

Post-Retention Seminar: Historically, orthodontic treatment has been carried out with a wide variety of objectives and appliances. The condition of the dentition in the long term is the only fair measure of the treatment. This course examines patients at least ten years post-retention to evaluate three basic treatment objectives — utility, beauty, and stability.

Practice Management:
Provides intensive instruction in everything necessary to establish and manage successful practice in critical first year post-graduation and beyond. Spring and fall quarters encompass seminars and guest lectures and winter quarter encompasses office visits to practices.

Independent Research and Master’s Thesis: Rationales for many of the treatment modalities in orthodontics have been formulated and established by basic and clinical research. The major goals of the research requirements of this program are to enable students to plan and effectively carry out research of significance to the profession and to critically analyze current research as it relates to the clinical practice of orthodontics.