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Third-year student Teddy Dong wins AAOMS Presentation Award

Third-year student Teddy Dong received the 2023 Oral Abstract Scientific Presentation Award at the 105th American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) annual meeting held last month in San Diego, California. Dong, a predoctoral student, won the award while competing against residents.

Teddy Dong“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the AAOMS for bestowing this remarkable research honor upon me,” said Dong. “It is a privilege to be recognized by such a prestigious professional organization, and I am truly grateful for this distinction.”

The Oral Abstract Scientific Presentation Award is given every year to oral and maxillofacial surgery residents selected on the basis of the scientific quality of manuscripts submitted for judging. The AAOMS presents this annual award to the author of an exceptional paper to foster continued excellence in developing the specialty. As an award winner, Dong will receive an invitation to attend the awards recognition event.

“I still remember during my first AAOMS annual meeting in New Orleans during my first year, being among all the oral surgeons and residents, I did not know anyone, and I did not know what to do,” said Dong. “Dr. Thomas Dodson, Dr. Jasjit Dillon, Dr. Andrea Burke, and Dr. Melanie Lang guided me to attend insightful seminars. They also invited me to our school reception dinner with faculty, alumni, and residents, which I greatly appreciated.”

Jennifer Tang, Mini Lin, Teddy Dong, Dr. Andrea Burke, and Dr. Thomas Dodson pose at end of award ceremony.
Jennifer Tang, Mini Lin, Teddy Dong, Dr. Andrea Burke, and Dr. Thomas Dodson pose at the end of at the award ceremony.

Dong was impressed by the wisdom, camaraderie, professionalism, and hardworking mentality he found in everyone he met at the conference. “On the return flight, I told myself I would try to be more involved next year and eventually become a person like them.”

As a dedicated research mind among the predoctoral students at the UW School of Dentistry, Dong has received multiple recognitions for his work over the past year, including from the American Dental Education Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, and our own SURF program.

“Research is a team effort, and I am fortunate to have had the support and guidance from the brightest minds in our field: Dr. Andrea Burke, Dr. Jasjit Dillon, and Dr. Thomas Dodson. I especially want to thank my mentor, Dr. Andrea Burke, for guiding me through conducting the pilot study and writing this paper. I would share this distinguished award with each one of you.”

“I look forward to continuing my research work in education with renewed enthusiasm, and I commit to publishing our work sometime soon.”

After dental school, Teddy plans to pursue OMS training and become a full-time educator in an OMS program affiliated with a strong research university.