For the 16th consecutive year, UW Department of Endodontics graduate residents have won research awards at the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE).
Dr. Elise Ellingsen won first place in the research poster competition for her presentation titled “Determining the differentiation pathway of N-acetyl cysteine-treated SCAP.”
Dr. Lisa Sonntag won second place in the table clinic (clinical tip) presentation competition for “Achieving robust occlusal marking with one simple step.”

Dr. Melinda Lee won 10th place in the research oral presentation competition for “Effects of cold on Vortex Blue and ProTaper NiTi rotary files.”
All three residents were mentored by Dr. Avina Paranjpe of the department faculty. Dr. Sonntag was also mentored by Dr. James Johnson, chair of the department. All eight of the department’s residents, including the recently graduated Dr. Nerisa Limansubrato, took part in the competitions. Entrants included between 50 and 60 residents from endodontic programs in the United States and Canada.

The AAE, founded in 1943, is a global resource for knowledge, research and education for the profession, members, and the public. Its recent annual meeting was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.