Pre-doctoral Didactic Courses (Eligible Programs: A, B, D): Visiting Scholars are encouraged to attend lecture courses in the Department or School, provided Course Directors agree and space availability.
Pre-clinical Lab Courses (Eligible Programs: A, B, D): Visiting Scholars are encouraged to observe in pre-clinical courses that are offered by Restorative Dentistry, provided that the Course Directors agree and space availability. Visiting Scholars may be paired with instructors in the simulation laboratories to maximize their experience.
Observing Pre-doctoral Clinics (Eligible Programs: A, B): Visiting Scholars are allowed to observe teaching activities in student clinics on a limited basis, subject to the discretion of the Associate Dean for Clinics, the Chair of Restorative Dentistry, and the Clinical Course Director. Visiting Scholars must be always accompanied by the host faculty or other designated faculty with clear ID and proper clinical attire.
Graduate Prosthodontics Didactic Courses (Eligible Programs: B, C): Visiting Scholars are encouraged to attend lecture courses in Restorative Department or School, provided Course Directors agree and room availability.
Observing Graduate Clinic and Laboratory (Eligible Program: C): Visiting Scholars may observe teaching activities in graduate Prosthodontic clinic and laboratory. Visiting Scholars must be always accompanied by the host faculty or other designated faculty with clear ID and proper clinical attire.
Research (Eligible Program: All): All Visiting Scholars are encouraged to participate in research activities in the department. Funding and research study need to be arranged with their faculty mentor prior to their acceptance to the program. (Visiting Scholars, in Program D, are primarily engaged in collaborative research with their host faculty or other designated faculty during their stay.)