Senior Lecturer, Orthodontics
Dr. Rafferty received her PhD in Functional Anatomy from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 1996. After teaching at Brown University for two years she came to the University of Washington to do research with Sue Herring and subsequently joined the faculty. Kathy teaches in the dental/medical student gross anatomy course and also co-teaches the head and neck graduate course for residents in the dental school.
Research Interests
Her research is in craniofacial biomechanics, with particular focus on bone strain and functional adaptation of bony tissue.
- Marchi, D, Ruff, C, Rafferty, KL, Habib, M, Patel, B. (Submitted). Postcranial suspensory adaptations of the sub-fossil lemur Babakotia rodofilai. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
- Al Dayeh AA, Rafferty KL, Egbert M, Herring S. 2013. Real-time monitoring of the growth of the nasal septal cartilage and nasofrontal suture. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 143(6): 773-83. 2013
- Navarrete AL, Rafferty KL, Liu ZJ, Ye W, Greenlee GM, Herring SW. 2013. Botulinum neurotoxin type A in the masseter muscle: Effects on incisor eruption in rabbits. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 143(4):499-506. PMID: 23561411
- Rafferty KL, Liu ZJ, Ye W, Navarrete AL, Nguyen TT, Salamati A, Herring SW. 2012 Botulinum toxin in masticatory muscles: Short- and long-term effects on muscle, bone, and craniofacial function in adult rabbits. Bone 50(3):651-62.
- Herring SW, Li Y, Liu Y, Liu ZJ, Popowics TE, Rafferty KL, Wang S. 2012. Oral biology and dental models. In The Minipig in Biomedical Research, ed. McAnulty PA, Dayan, A, Hastings KH, Ganderup, N-C, Taylor & Francis.
- Herring SW, Rafferty KL, Liu Z-J, Lemme M. 2011 Mastication and the postorbital ligament: Dynamic strain in soft tissues. Integr. Comp. Biol. 51:297-306. PMID:21593142
- Burn AK, Herring SW, Hubbard R, Zink K, Rafferty K, Lieberman DE. 2010. Dietary consistency and the midline sutures in growing pigs. Orthod. Craniofac. Res. 13:106-113.
- Dutra E, Caria PHF, Rafferty KL, Herring SW. 2010. The buccinator during mastication: a functional and anatomical evaluation in minipigs. Archives Oral Biol. 55:627-638. PMID: 20621287.
- Yeh K, Popowics T, Rafferty K, Herring S, Egbert M. 2010. The effects of tooth extraction on alveolar bone biomechanics in the miniature pig, Sus scrofa. Arch Oral Biol. 55:663-669. PMID: 20580345.
- Popowics TE, Yeh K, Rafferty KL, Herring SW (2009). Functional cues in the development of osseous tooth support in the pig, Sus scrofa. J Biomech 2009; 42(12):1961-1966. PMCID: PMC2725193.
- Al Dayeh AA, Rafferty KL, Egbert M, Herring SW (2009). Deformation of nasal septal cartilage during mastication. J Morphol 2009; 270:1209-1218. MIHMSID 160580.
- Herring SW, Rafferty KL, Liu ZJ, Sun Z (2008). A non-primate model for the fused symphysis: in vivo studies in the pig. In Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology, ed. Vinyard C, Ravosa M, Wall C. Springer, New York, pp. 19/37.
- Rafferty, KL, Sun, Z, Egbert, M, Bakko, DW, and Herring SW (2007). Changes in growth and morphology of the condyle following mandibular distraction in minipigs: Overloading or Underloading? Archives of Oral Biology 52: 967-976.
- Sun, Z, Rafferty, KL, Egbert, MA and Herring, SW (2007). Masticatory mechanics of a mandibular distraction osteogenesis site: Interfragmentary micromovement. Bone 41:188-196.
- Ross, CF, Dharia, R, Herring, SW, Hylander, WL, Liu, ZJ, Rafferty, KL, Ravosa, MJ, and Williams, SW (2007). Modulation of mandibular loading and bite force in mammals during mastication. J. Exp. Biol. 2007 210: 1046-1063.
- Sun, Z, Rafferty, KL, Egbert, MA, and Herring, SW (2006). Mandibular mechanics following osteotomy and appliance placement. I Mobility of the distraction site. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 64: 610-619.
- Rafferty, KL, Sun, Z, Egbert, MA, Baird, EE, and Herring, SW (2006). Mandibular mechanics following osteotomy and appliance placement. II Bone strain on the body and condylar neck. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 64: 620-627.
- Williams, BE, King, GJ, Liu, ZJ, and Rafferty, KL (2005). Sequential histomorphometric analysis of regenerate osteogenesis following mandibular distraction in the rat. Arch. Oral Bio 50:497
- Rafferty, KL, Egbert, MA, and Herring, SW (2004). Bony strains in response to distractor activation. In: Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation (Z. Davidovitch and J. Mah, eds.), pp. 59-62. Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Sun, Z, Rafferty, KL, Egbert, MA, and Herring, SW (2004). Mandibular osteotomy site separation during acute distraction. In: Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation (Z. Davidovitch and J. Mah, eds.), pp. 53-58. Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Herring, SW, Sun Z, Egbert, MA, Rafferty, KL, and Liu, ZJ (2004). Is distraction the only motion permitted at the osteotomy site? Fixation and stability in the pig mandible. In: Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation (Z. Davidovitch and J. Mah, eds.), pp. 31-38. Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Rafferty, KL, Herring, SW, and Marshall, CD (2003). The biomechanics of the rostrum and the role of facial sutures. Journal of Morphology 257:33-44
- Rafferty, KL, Teaford, MF, and Jungers WL (2002). Molar microwear of subfossil lemurs: Improving the resolution of dietary inferences. Journal of Human Evolution 43:645-657.
- Herring, SW, Rafferty, KL, Liu, ZJ, and Marshall, CD (2001). Jaw muscles and the skull in mammals: The biomechanics of mastication. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part 1 31(1):207-219.
- Yun, TJ, Tallquist, MD, Aicher, A, Rafferty, KL, Marshall, AJ, Moon, JJ, Ewings, MK, Mohaupt, M, Herring, S, and EA Clark (2001). Osteoprotegerin, a crucial regulator of bone metabolism, also regulates B cell development and function. Journal of Immunology,166:1482-1491 .
- Herring, SW and Rafferty, KL (2000). Cranial and facial sutures: functional loading in relation to growth and morphology. In: Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Replacement by Implants (Z. Davidovitch and J. Mah, eds.), pp. 269‑276. Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Rafferty, KL, Herring, SW and Artese, F (2000). Three‑dimensional loading and growth of the zygomatic arch. Journal of Experimental Biology 203:2093‑2104.
- Rafferty, KL and Herring, SW (1999). Cranial sutures: Morphology, Growth and in vivo masticatory strains. Journal of Morphology 242:167‑179.
- Rafferty, KL (1998). Structural Design of the Femoral Neck in Primates. Journal of Human Evolution 34:361‑383
- Rafferty, KL, Walker, A, Rose, MD, and Andrews, PJ (1995). Postcranial estimates of body weight in Proconsul, with a note on ‑a distal tibia of P. major from Napak, Uganda. ‘American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 97:391‑402
- Rafferty, KL and Ruff, CB (1994). Articular structure and function in Hylobates, Colobus, and Papio. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 94:395‑408.