Graduate Program Director, Orthodontics
Professor, Orthodontics
Dr. Bollen received her DDS 1984 University of Brussels; She received her MS in Orthodontics in 1986 and her PhD in Oral Biology in 1990 from the University of Michigan. She is an ABO Diplomate. Clinical: private practice.
Research Interests
Bone metabolism.
Publications (including accepted)
1. Bollen A-M, Makinen KK, Makinen P-L, and Carlson, DS. Collagenolytic and phosphatase activity in the rat mandible after functional protrusion. Archs Oral Biol 34(4): 267-273, 1989.
2. Hujoel PP, Bollen A-M, and Schork A. Quantification of periodontal attachment of single rooted teeth. J Clin Periodontol 16(4): 224-229, 1989.
3. Bollen A-M, Carlson D, and Dziewiatkowski DD. Aggregation of proteoglycans in cephalic, epiphyseal and articular cartilages in growing sheep. Connect Tissue Res 24(2): 121-127, 1990.
4. Bollen A-M and Makinen KK. Purification and characterization of a soluble endopeptidase from rat bone. Calcif Tissue Int 48(2): 111-119, 1991.
5. Hujoel PP, Bollen A-M, and DeRouen TA. Quantification of periodontal attachment of multi-rooted teeth. J Clin Periodontol 19(3): 193-196, 1992.
6. Hujoel PP, Bollen A-M, and Mueller,B. One-year mortality among infants with cleft lip and/or cleft palate. The Cleft Palate J. 29(5): 451-455, 1992.
7. Hanson DA, Weis MA, Bollen A-M, Maslan SL, Singer FR, and Eyre DR. A specific immunoassay for monitoring human bone resorption: quantitation of type I collagen cross-linked N-telopeptides in urine. J. Bone Mineral. Res. 7(11): 1251-1258, 1992.
8. Bollen A-M and Eyre DR. Direct extraction of gelatinases from rat bone. Connect Tissue Res. 29(3): 223-230, 1993.
9. Bollen A-M and Eyre DR. Bone resorption rates in children monitored by the urinary assay of collagen type I cross-linked peptides. Bone 15(1): 31-34, 1994.
10. Bollen A-M and Hujoel PP. Configurational differences in six skeletal landmarks in surgically treated and nonsurgically treated Class II patients. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg 9(1): 37-42, 1994.
11. Brenner RE, Vetter U, Bollen A-M, Morike M, and Eyre DR. Bone resorption assessed by immunoassay of urinary cross-linked collagen peptides in patients with osteogenesis inperfecta. J Bone Mineral Res 9(7): 993-997,1994.
12. Bollen A-M, Martin MD, Leroux BG, and Eyre DR. Circadian variation in urinary excretion of bone collagen cross-links. J Bone Mineral Res 10(12):1885- 1890: 1995.
13. Martin MD, McCann T, Naleway C, Woods JS, Leroux,BG, Bollen A-M. The validity of spot urine samples for low-level occupational mercury exposure assessment and relationship to porphyrin and creatinine excretion rates. J Pharmacol ExpTher 277(1): 239-244, 1996.
14. Bollen A-M. Commentary to paper “Orthodontic treatment for a patient after menopause”. Angle Orthod 66: 179-180, 1996.
15. Law, AN, Bollen A-M, and Chen, S-K. Detecting osteoporosis using dental radiographs: a comparison of four methods. JADA 127(12): 1734-1742, 1996.
16. Hall, DH and Bollen A-M. Comparison of sonically-derived and traditional cephalometric values. Angle Orthod. 67(5): 365-372, 1997.
17. Bollen A-M, Kiyak, HA, and Eyre DR. Longitudinal evaluation of a bone resorption marker in elderly subjects. Osteoporosis Int 7(6): 544-549, 1997.
18. Bollen A-M, McCulloch, KJ and Herring, SW. Whole body bone resorption in the growing pig. Growth Dev Aging 61(3-4): 181-189, 1997.
19. Law AN, Bollen A-M, and Chen S-K. Knochendichtemessung anhand von Zahnfilmen? Asthetische Zahnmedizin 1: 52-55, 1999.
20. Bollen A-M. A prospective longitudinal study of the urinary excretion of a bone resorption marker in adolescents. Annals of Human Biology 27(2): 199-211, 2000.
21. Bollen A-M, Taguchi A, Hujoel PP, Hollender LG. Case-control study on self-reported osteoporotic fractures and mandibular cortical bone. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics 90(4):518-24, 2000.
22. Bollen, A-M, Taguchi A, Hujoel PP, Hollender LG. Fractal dimension from dental radiographs. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 30(5):270-275, 2001.
23. Bollen A-M. Letter to Editor: Diving, patent foramen ovale, and brain lesions. Annals of Internal Medicine 135(10): 928-9, 2001.
24. Bollen A-M. Unknown impact of an orthodontic functional appliance (Twin block) on growth in Class II division 1 malocclusions suggests caution. J Evid Base Dental Pract : 2, 2002.
25. Bollen A-M. Large overjet and longer teeth are associated with more root resorption when treated orthodontically. J Evid Base Dental Pract :2, 2002.
26. Bollen A-M. Extraction patterns are associated with root resorption. J Evid Base Dental Pract :2, 2002.
27. Bollen A-M. Resin-modified glass-ionomer cement can be used to bond orthodontic brackets. J Evid Base Dental Pract :2, 2002.
28. Bollen A-M, Huang G, King G, Hujoel PP, Ma T. Sequential removable orthodontic appliances, activation time and material stiffness. Part I: Ability to complete treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 124(5):496-501, 2003.
29. Clements KM, Bollen A-M, Huang G, King G, Hujoel PP, Ma T. Sequential removable orthodontic appliances, activation time and material stiffness. Part II: Dental improvements. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 124(5): 502-508, 2003.
30. Taguchi A, Sanada M, Suei Y, Ohtsuka M, Nakamoto T, Lee K, Tsuda M, Ohama K, Tanimoto K, Bollen, A-M. Effect of estrogen use on tooth retention, oral bone height, and oral bone porosity in Japanese postmenopausal women. Menopause 11(5):556-62, 2004.
31. Bollen A-M, Taguchi A, Hujoel PP, Hollender LG. Number of teeth and residual alveolar ridge height in subjects with and without a history of osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis Int 15(12): 970-974, 2004.
32. Hujoel PP, Bollen A-M, Noonan CJ, del Aguila MA. Antepartum dental radiography and infant low birth weight. JAMA 291(16):1987-1993, 2004.
33. Bollen A-M. Letter to the Editor. Three-dimensional scans and radiation exposure. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 126(2);17A, 2004.
34. Bollen A-M. Herbst appliance more effective than twin-block appliance in treating adolescent Class II division 1 malocclusions. J Evid Base Dental Pract 4, 2004.
35. Hujoel PP, Lydon-Rochelle M, Bollen A-M, Woods JS, Geurtsen W, del Aguila MA. Mercury exposure from dental filling placement during pregnancy and low birth weight risk. Am J Epidemiol 161(8): 734-740, 2005.
36. Taguchi A, Suei Y, Ohtsuka M, Nakamoto T, Lee K, Sanada M, Tsuda M, Ohama K, Tanimoto K, Bollen A-M. Relationship between self-reported periodontal status and skeletal bone mineral density in Japanese postmenopausal women. Menopause 12(2): 144-148, 2005.
37. Hujoel PP, Bollen A-M, Noonan CJ. Response to Brent. Health Phys 89(4):395-7, 2005.
38. Orsini MG, Huang GJ, Kiyak HA, Ramsay DS, Bollen A-M, Anderson NK, Giddon DB. Methods to evaluate profile preferences for the anteroposterior position of the mandible. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 130(3): 283-291, 2006.
39. Rothe LE, Bollen A-M, Little RM, Herring SW, Chaison JB, Chen C,Hollender LG. Trabecular and cortical bone as risk factors for orthodontic relapse. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 130(4):476-484,2006
40. Bollen A-M and Bai X-Q. Effects of long-term calcium intake on body weight, body fat and bone in growing rats. Osteoporosis Int. 16:1864-1870, 2005.
41. Taguchi A, Tsuda M, Ohtsuka M, Kodama I, Sanada M, Nakamoto T, Inagaki K, Noguchi T, Kudo Y, Suei Y, Tanimoto K, Bollen A-M. Use of dental panoramic radiographs in identifying younger postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Int. 17(3):387-94,2006.
42. Bollen A-M, Cunha-Cruz J, Hujoel PP. Secular trends in US pre-adult orthodontic care: 1942-2002. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 132(5):579- 85,2007.
43. Bollen A-M, Baskin CR, Treuting PM. Additional cases of urolithiasis in rats consuming a dl bitartrate form of choline in a purified diet. Comp Med 56(4):245-6, 2006.
44. Hujoel P, Hollender L, Bollen A-M, Young JD, Cunha-Cruz J, McGee MK, Grosso A. Thyroid shields and neck exposures in cephalometric radiography. BMC Medical Imaging, 6:6, 2006.
45. Baldwin DK, King G, Huang GJ, Ramsay DS, Bollen A-M. Activation time and material stiffness of sequential removable orthodontic appliances. Part 3: Premolar extraction cases. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 133:837-45, 2008.
46. Hujoel PP, Hollender L, Bollen A-M, Young JD, McGee M, Grosso A. Radiographs associated with one episode of orthodontic therapy. J Dent Education, 70(10):1061-1065, 2006
47. Bollen A-M. Female osteoporosis may be associated with composite endpoint of periodontal disease. J Evid Based Dent Pract 6(4):289-90, 2006.
48. Decker J, Curtis C-S, Bollen A-M. A model for digital archiving of radiographs into a World-Wide-Web searchable database following DICOM standards. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 132(6);856-9,2007.
49. Fudaley P, Rothe LE, Bollen A-M. Effects of post-treatment skeletal maturity as measured with the cervical vertebral maturation method on relapse of incisor alignment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 134(2):238-244,2008.
50. Huynh T, Kennedy DB, Joondeph DR, Bollen A-M. Treatment response and stability of slow maxillary expansion using Haas, Hyrax and Quad Helix appliances- A retrospective study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 136:331-9, 2009.
51. Hujoel P, Hollender L, Bollen A-M, Young JD, McGee M, Grosso A. Head-and-neck organ doses from an episode of orthodontic care. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 133(2):210-7,2008.
52. Taguchi A, Ohtsuka M, Nakamoto T, Suei Y, Kudo Y, Tanimoto K, Bollen A-M. Detection of postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density and elevated biochemical markers of bone turnover by panoramic radiographs. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 37,433-437,2008.
53. Bollen A-M, Cunha-Cruz J, Bakko DW, Huang GJ, Hujoel PP. Effects of orthodontic therapy on periodontal health; a systematic review of controlled evidence. JADA, 139(4):413-422,2008.
54. Fudaley P, Bollen A-M. Effectiveness of the cervical vertebral maturation method to predict post-peak circumpubertal growth of the craniofacial structures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 137:59-65, 2010.
55. Bollen A-M. Effects of malocclusions and orthodontics on periodontal health: evidence from a systematic review. J Dent Education, 72(8):912-918,2008.
56. Bollen A-M. Review of: Cervical vertebral and dental maturity in Turkish subjects. J Evid Based Dent Pract, 8(2):91-2, 2008
57. Bollen A-M. Orthodontic faculty research activities. PCSO Bulletin 80(3), 23-25, 2008.
58. Chaison JB, Chen SK, Herring SW, Bollen A-M. Bone volume, tooth volume, and incisor relapse: A three-dimensional analysis of orthodontic stability. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 138:778-86, 2010.
59. Fudaley P, Bollen A-M, Hujoel IA. Relapse of mandibular incisor alignment is not associated with the total post-treatment mandibular rotation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 138(4), 392.e1-392.e7, 2010.
60. Brin I, and Bollen A-M. External apical root resorption in patients treated by serial extractions followed by mechanotherapy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 139(2):e129-e134, 2011
61. Bollen A-M. Interceptive orthodontic treatment improves malocclusions over no treatment but does not produce finished-quality results. Journal Evidence Based Dentistry, 10(4): 248-249, 2010.
62. Bollen A-M. Interceptive orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusions is slightly more successful with headgear/biteplane than with bionator treatment. J Evid Base Dent Pract 11(1): 58-59, 2011
63. Huang GJ, Bates SB, Ehlert AA, Whiting DP, Chen SS-H, Bollen, A-M. Stability of deep-bite correction – a systematic review. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 1:e89-e96, 2012.
64. Bollen A-M. Self-etching primers result in higher odds of attachment failure than acid etch, but do result in modest time savings. Journal Evidence Based Dental Practice, in press, 2013.