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Oral Pathology

Fee Schedule

CPT Code ADA Code Fee Description
88300 D0472 $60.00 Gross exam only
88104 N/A $125.00 Cytology
88304 D0473 $200.00 Soft tissue lipoma, Mucocele, Neuroma
88305 D0473 $200.00 Soft tissue, cysts, some bone, and other
88307 D0474 $350.00 Bone (fragments/tumor), Odontogenic tumor, Salivary gland
88309 N/A $310.00 Soft tissue tumor, Extensive resection, Tongue/tonsil resection for tumor
88311 D0475 $50.00 Decalcification
88312 D0476 $150.00 Special stains, group I for microorganisms (PAS, AFB, GMS)
88313 D0476 $150.00 Special stains, group II, all other (iron, trichrome), except ICC
88321 D0484 $350.00 Consultation, slides prepared elsewhere
88323 D0485 $350.00 Consultation/report, slides prepared here
88346 D0482 $110.00 Direct Immunofluorescence (DIF), each antibody, (5 antibody panel = $550)
88342 D0478 $150 Immunocytochemistry, first antibody per slide
88341 D0478 $150 Immunocytochemistry, each additional antibody per slide
Multiple Specimens: Billed in full price for specimens A, B, C, etc.