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Dental Curriculum Threads

Introduction to Clinical Practice

Course Director: Sangeetha Nedunchezhian and Andy Marashi
Credits: 15
Quarters/Yr of Program: Summer / 3

Course Overview

Students gain an operational knowledge of the dental clinic at the novice level. This course introduces clinical care in multiple disciplines and promotes person-centered comprehensive care with an emphasis on treatment planning. Students learn to perform a comprehensive dental exam and design a treatment plan in the proper phasing order and sequence.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Practice patient care in a patient-centered manner within the scope of general dentistry to patients in all stages of life.
2. Provide patient care in a safe and ethical manner considering patient respect, comfort, and safety.
3. Practice dentistry in accordance with UWSOD policies and procedures.
4. Complete a comprehensive patient examination from welcoming and interviewing the patient to recording patient history and data.
5. Order appropriate diagnostic casts, records, tests, and radiographic images.
6. Interpret findings from appropriate diagnostic casts, records, tests, and radiographic images.
7. Communicate effectively with other health care professionals using appropriately composed consultations and referrals.
8. Determine the prognosis of conditions and treatments by formulating an appropriate problem list and risk assessment for each patient.
9. Compose a properly phased and sequenced treatment plan based on objective findings, evidence-based recommendations, and the patient’s considerations.
10. Obtain appropriate informed patient consent and faculty approval.
11. Explain the rationale for the phasing and sequencing of the treatment plan.
12. Explain post-treatment assessments and their role in quality assurance.
13. Plan an effective maintenance phase of treatment with an emphasis on the importance of follow-through by the patient and the treatment team.
14. Document all patient-care activities accurately in axiUm.
15. Explain the epidemiology of dental care-related fear and anxiety, common etiological pathways, and foundational psychological considerations for case conceptualization.
16. Describe basic evidence-based approaches for the assessment and non-pharmacological management of dental-care-related fear and anxiety.

UWSOD Competencies: C-01, C-10, CE-02, CE-03, C-03, CE-06, C-02, C-09, CE-07, C-06, C-05, C-11, C-30, C-12, C-13, C-31, C-16, C-29, C-17, C-07, CE-04, C-14, C-28, C-04, C-08, C-15, C-18, C-24, C-25, C-26, C-19, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-23, C-27, CE-05

Date last updated: 2024-07-08


Dental Curriculum Threads

Ethics & Jurisprudence

Course Directors:  Kerry Streiff 
Credits: 1 (Earned over four quarters)
Quarters/Yr of Program: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring / 3

Course Overview

This course provides an overview of the “ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (ADA Code)” and Washington State laws governing the practice of dentistry. Students will learn to evaluate ethical dilemmas systematically through online didactic and on-campus small-group learning. Students will evaluate the ethical and legal aspects of case-based scenarios and real-life examples.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Recognize ethical and legal dilemmas faced in the practice of dentistry.
2. Describe an ethical dilemma faced in the practice of dentistry.
3. Apply the relevant tenets of the “ADA Code of Ethics” to ethical dilemmas.
4. Apply the relevant Washington State laws to ethical/legal dilemmas.
5. Describe ways in which ethical and legal standards may conflict in certain situations.
6. Describe systematically the decision-making process in resolving an ethical/legal dilemma.
7. Minimize ethical and legal dilemmas in dental practice.

UWSOD Competencies: C-01, C-06, C-09

Date last updated: 2024-07-08


Dental Curriculum Threads

Local Anesthesia (Formerly DENTPC 553 – 2nd Yr SUM)

Course Director: John Evans and Art DiMarco
Credits: 3
Quarters/Yr of Program: Summer / 3  (Resumes SUM25)

Course Overview

The safe and effective use of local anesthesia is integral to general dentistry and most specialties. Since dentists must become expert at the safe and effective administration of local anesthesia, the primary goal of this course is to provide all dental students with the opportunity to learn the basic biomedical concepts necessary for the provision of local anesthesia for patients. Dentists must necessarily be experts with regard the pharmacology, physiology potential complications associated with local anesthetics and associated drugs routinely employed in our communities on a daily basis. This knowledge base is mandatory for most any dentist in practice.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Assess the risks associated with administration of local anesthesia to dental patients commonly seen in a general dental practice.
2. Describe in detail the pharmacology of local anesthetics and associated vasoconstrictors.
3. Describe, in three dimensions, the anatomy involved when performing the injections commonly used in dentistry.
4. Discuss problems associated with the administration of local anesthesia including complications.
5. Discuss medicolegal, ethical, and professional ramifications associated with the use of local anesthesia including nerve injury.
6. Discuss the management of difficult and/or fearful patients when performing local anesthesia.
7. Assess one’s own knowledge base and skills critically in light of clinical problems faced daily by dentists in practice.
8. Explain the basic biomedical sciences pertinent to the safe and effective use of local anesthetics in clinical practice.
9. Describe the medical risks and complications, both emergent and routine, associated with the use of local anesthesia in the management of patients in the general dental office.
10. Describe special techniques which may be needed to treat patients who are difficult to manage and/or anesthetize, including patients in all stages of life.

UWSOD Competencies: C-01, C-02, C-03, C-04, C-06, C-09, C-10, C-11, C-12, C-13, C-14, C-16, C-17, C-18, C-23, C-26, C-30, C-31, CE-07

Date last updated: 2024-04-11