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Dental Curriculum Threads

Complete Dentures 2

Course Director: Kavita Shor
Credits: 2
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 2

Course Overview

This is the second of two companion courses in complete dentures. The first course, Complete Dentures 1, is presented in summer quarter. In both these courses, students learn the laboratory and clinical steps in the fabrication of complete dentures for edentulous patients.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to do the following:

1. Perform the clinical and laboratory steps required to fabricate a complete denture.
2. Explain the characteristics of normal edentulous anatomy that relate to complete denture fabrication.
3. Identify abnormal edentulous anatomy that impacts complete denture fabrication.
4. Fabricate complete dentures that accommodate abnormal edentulous anatomy.
5. Manipulate the dental materials necessary to fabricate complete dentures.
6. Solve typical problems that occur during complete denture construction and placement.

UWSOD Competencies: C-10, CE-02, C-14, C-28, C-12, C-20, C-21

Date last updated: 2024-09-23


Dental Curriculum Threads

Fixed Prosthodontics 1

Course Director: Yen-Wei Chen & Xavier Lepe
Credits: 2
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 2

Course Overview

This preclinical fixed prosthodontics course introduces indirect complete-coverage restorations. It combines the disciplines of fixed prosthodontics and periodontics, and connects laboratory and clinical fixed-prosthodontics content with material-science information. Lectures and reading references establish a foundation in terminology, principles of tooth preparation, clinical procedures relevant to this preclinical course, and laboratory technology. Preclinical technical experience is provided in tooth preparation, provisional restoration, and fabrication of crown designs.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to do the following:

1. Describe the procedures for tooth preparation for single crowns.
2. Demonstrate how to properly prepare teeth to receive single crowns.
3. Describe the procedures for the fabrication of single crowns.
4. Demonstrate how to properly fabricate direct single-unit provisional crowns.
5. Describe the use of dental materials required in the fabrication of single-unit provisional crowns and metal crowns.
6. Demonstrate the use of dental materials used in the fabrication of single-unit provisional crowns and metal crowns.

UWSOD Competencies: C-01, C-10, C-02, C-03, C-15, C-19, C-20, C-21

Date last updated: 2024-09-23


Dental Curriculum Threads

Operative Dentistry 3

Course Director: Alireza Sadr
Credits: 3
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 2

Course Overview

This course covers the surgical management of and restoration techniques for conservative one-surface, two-surface, and three-surface restorations. Students will learn how patient disease activity, risk assessment, restorative diagnosis and treatment planning, patient priorities, and anatomical variations impact the restoration of teeth. They will also learn how to apply the principles of ergonomics and patient positioning, workplace organization and safety, appropriate communication, and professional behavior to their clinical practice.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to do the following:

1. Apply the principles of cavity preparation designs under various clinical parameters for conservative Class 1 through 5 restorations.
2. Demonstrate the restoration of conservative Class 1 through 5 preparations to a clinically acceptable level.
3. Accurately self-evaluate the use of the principles of cavity preparation and restoration.
4. Demonstrate appropriate manipulation of dental materials (resin composites, bonding agents, glass ionomers, and amalgam).
5. Formulate the most appropriate treatment solutions for a patient case that is based on integrated didactic information, the literature, and clinical information.
6. Demonstrate good communication, organization, productivity, and professionalism in the pre-clinical environment.

UWSOD Competencies: C-10, C-02, C-09, CE-07, C-06, CE-03, C-03, CE-06, C-15, C-07, C-14, C-28, C-12, C-13, C-05, C-11, C-18, C-24, C-25, C-19, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-23

Date last updated: 2024-09-23


Dental Curriculum Threads

Foundations of Dental Medicine 3

Course Director: Nousha Panahpour Eslami
Credits: 2
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 2

Course Overview

This course is a continuation of Foundations of Dental Medicine 1 and 2, focusing on additional core skills necessary in dentistry. Students will practice multiple interviewing techniques and dive deeper into the care of patients with disabilities. They will also learn appropriate methods of obtaining consent from and communicating with people with cognitive, sensory, and/or other communication impairments. The course structure includes workshops, clinic, case studies, and guest lectures.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to do the following:

1. Discuss classifications of human function, disability and health using a biopsychosocial framework (WHO ICF).
2. Assess the dental implications and potential facilitation techniques for patients with developmental disabilities.
3. Outline the appropriate consent process when providing care for people with communication and cognitive or sensory impairments.
4. Demonstrate advanced interviewing techniques.
5. Identify appropriate methods of communication for people with cognitive, sensory, and/or other communication impairments.
6. Use principles of metacognition to self-assess in major course areas: disability, communication, and performance of head-and-neck examinations.
7. Conduct a head-and-neck exam including evaluation for TMD.

UWSOD Competencies: C-02, C-09, C-06, CE-02, C-03, CE-06, C-04, C-15, C-14, C-12, C-13, C-31, C-16, C-29, C-05, C-11, C-30, C-18

Date last updated: 2024-09-24




Dental Curriculum Threads


Course Director: Elizabeth Garcia
Credits: 4
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 2

Course Overview

This course covers biomedical foundational information across the human lifespan. Students will learn biological processes governing normal human development and reproduction, as well as common disease processes and pathology of these systems. Dental practice relevancy will be emphasized when applicable.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Summarize the physiologic changes that occur with pregnancy.
2. Compare general physiology principles, common pathologies, and common pharmacologic interventions to the physiological changes of pregnancy.
3. Identify the normal anatomy and physiology of the reproductive systems.
4. Generate an overview of the complex hormonal and anatomical systems which allow for human reproduction.
5. Create an overview of human reproduction from gamete to embryo, as well as an overview of the pregnancy process.
6. Discuss common pathologies of the reproductive systems.
7. Reflect on the relationship of dental management within the arc of the human lifecycle.

UWSOD Competencies: CE-02, CE-03, C-03, CE-06, C-15, C-14, C-13, C-31, C-17, C-11

Date last updated: 2024-10-11


Dental Curriculum Threads

Mind, Brain, and Behavior

Course Director: Fritzie Arce-McShane & Vivian Yang
Credits: 5
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 2

Course Overview

Students will study the structure and function of the human nervous system and its observable behavior ranging from reflexes to sensorimotor, cognitive, and social behavior. Learning is integrated in lectures, small groups, laboratory settings, and directed self-learning formats.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to do the following:

1. Describe the structure, function, and physiology of the human nervous system.
2. Describe the major pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
3. Apply pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical findings, risk factors, and differential diagnoses of neurological diseases and disorders to discussions of clinical dental care.
4. Classify the criteria for psychiatric diagnoses as defined in DSM-V in discussions of clinical dental care.

UWSOD Competencies: C-01, C-10, CE-02, CE-03, C-03, CE-06, C-04, C-15, C-14, C-12, C-13, C-31, C-29, C-17, C-05, C-11, C-30, C-18

Date last updated: 2024-09-23