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ENDO 550

Directed Studies in Endodontics – SURF/Research Elective

Credits: variable (25 max)
Faculty: various faculty

This is an independent study course in which meeting times and projects are arranged directly with faculty members.

ENDO 550 is directed toward students who have completed a SURF program summer research fellowship and wish to obtain additional course credit subsequent to quarter(s) after they have completed their SURF project. After completion of their SURF project students may continue in that particular area of research pursued earlier, or complete a publication quality manuscript under the faculty mentor’s supervision.

ENDO 671

Endodontic Treatment – Selective

Course Director: Natasha Flake
Selective # of Credits: 1
Quarter/Yr of Program: Winter / 4

Course Overview

Several of the different products and techniques available for performing root canal therapy will be introduced to students. The selective is similar to an endodontic continuing education course. Students will use extracted teeth to gain introductory level practical experience with various instrumentation and obturation systems available on the market.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

  1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different instrumentation and obturation techniques
  2. Describe how endodontic techniques are evaluated through scientific research
  3. Compare several different file systems and obturation techniques based on hands-on experience

Date last updated: 2022-12-14


Dental Curriculum Threads

Introduction to Endodontics

Course Director: Natasha Flake & Lindsey Yap
Credits: 4
Quarters/Yr of Program: Spring / 2

Course Overview

This is the first endodontics course in the predoctoral dental curriculum and the only endodontics course prior to the endodontics clerkship. The course includes both didactic and laboratory components. The didactic component covers the biology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of pulpal and periapical pathoses. The preclinical laboratory component covers endodontic treatment techniques using extracted and artificial teeth. Endodontic treatment is performed on these teeth under clinical simulation conditions in preparation for treating patients in the Endodontics Clinic. Students must pass this course to proceed to the third-year endodontics clerkship.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the biology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of pulpal and periapical pathoses.
2. Describe the usual anatomic variations in root and root canal anatomy of different tooth types.
3. Prepare an appropriate endodontic access in different tooth types.
4. Perform root canal instrumentation with the correct type, size, and sequence of instruments using hand and rotary instrumentation techniques.
5. Perform proper antimicrobial techniques during root canal therapy, including root canal irrigation, aseptic use of endodontic instruments, and medication and temporization of a tooth during root canal therapy.
6. Obturate root canals using appropriate techniques.
7. Diagnose pathoses of endodontic origin using correct pulpal and periapical diagnostic terminology.
8. Recommend treatment plans for endodontic care of patients.

UWSOD Competencies: C-03, C-23

Date last updated: 2024-03-3

ENDO 651

Honors Endodontics – Classical Literature Seminar – Selective

Course Director: Avina Paranjpe, Endodontic graduate students
Credits: 3
Quarters/Yr of Program: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring/ 4
Limit: 2-3 students
Contact Person: Cora Scott

NOTE: This elective typically meets during regular clinic hours (1:00-5:00p). Participation requires accommodation by the Office of Clinical Services. Please check with Sandy Phillips if you intend to enroll in this class.

Students with a special interest in Endodontics will be allowed to enroll in this directed study upon approval of the Graduate Program Director. Students will be participating in endodontic topics related literature seminars with graduate students in the Endodontics department. They will be responsible for preparing abstracts along with graduate students and may have the opportunity to participate in graduate student research.

*last updated: 6/19/2017


Dental Curriculum Threads

Endodontics Clerkship

Course Director: Natasha Flake & Lindsey Yap
Credits: 8
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn, Winter, Spring / 3

Course Overview

Endodontics Clerkship prepares dental students to provide endodontic therapy within the scope of practice of general dentistry. In the didactic component, students expand their knowledge in preparation for clinical experiences. In the clinical component, students treat patients including diagnosis, treatment planning, and endodontic therapy of a minimal difficulty level.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to do the following:

1. Perform endodontic examination and diagnostic testing procedures.
2. Diagnose pathoses of endodontic origin using correct pulpal and periapical diagnostic terminology.
3. Formulate treatment plans for the endodontic care of patients, including emergency and definitive treatment plans.
4. Provide emergency endodontic treatment: pulpectomy, pulpotomy, pulpal debridement, incision and drainage, caries control, and/or other palliative treatments.
5. Perform root canal therapy of minimal difficulty level.
6. Provide vital pulp therapy, when indicated.
7. Prescribe appropriate antibiotics and analgesics, when indicated.
8. Cite guidelines for treatment of traumatic dental injuries.
9. Determine when to treat and when to refer a case employing the “AAE Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form and Guidelines.”
10. Recognize treatment options for conditions that may require referral to an endodontist: resorption, endo/perio lesions, apexification/regeneration cases, retreatment and endodontic surgery cases, and internal bleaching cases.
11. Evaluate endodontic case prognosis and outcomes.
12. Practice within a general dentist’s scope of practice in an ethical and professional manner.

UWSOD Competencies: C-02, C-09, C-14, C-28, C-12, C-16, C-17, C-11, C-18, C-26, C-19, C-23

Date last updated: 2025-01-04