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UW School of Dentistry

Referral Email Policy

Patient privacy is very important to the UW School of Dentistry.  We have tools and processes in place to maintain HIPAA compliance.  There are two scenarios:

Your organization is on UW Medicine’s Approved Email Domain List*

UW Medicine has directly worked with organizations on the Approved Email Domain list to set up encrypted email communication between those domains and the University of Washington (  Included organizations can use their email service to communicate with the UW without the need for additional security measures.

Your organization is not on UW Medicine’s  Approved Email Domain List*

The UW School of Dentistry has contracted with Cirius to make available a secure messaging service.  Prior to communicating PHI to the UW, please email any of our referral email addresses with a subject line:  Request for a secure communication and we will send you an invitation to our portal.  You will need to use this portal for all future communication with us.  You can attach referral forms and files to emails sent through the portal.

If  you send us patient information via referral forms, radiograph files, or other communications without using our secure messaging portal, we cannot guarantee the secure transmission of that information.

*If you cannot access this list the department you are referring to can tell you if your email address is on an approved domain.