Professor, Oral Health Sciences
Associate Dean for Student Life & Admissions
Washington Dental Service Endowed Professor
Adjunct Professor, Pediatric Dentistry
Adjunct Professor, Psychology
Susan Coldwell earned a BA in psychology from Duke University in 1989 and received an MA (1990) and PhD (1994) in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and the Monell Chemical Senses Center.
Developmental and physiological influences on taste preference and perception. Psychophysical measurement of pain, anxiety, and taste.
- Desai H, Smutzer G, Coldwell SE, and Griffith JW. Validation of Edible Taste Strips for Identifying PROP Taste Recognition Thresholds, The Laryngoscope, June, 121(6): 1177-1183, 2011.
- Coolidge T, Hillstead MB, Farjo N, Weinstein P, and Coldwell SE. Additional Psychometric Data for the Spanish Modified Dental Anxiety Scale, and Psychometric Data for a Spanish Version of the Revised Dental Beliefs Survey, BioMed Central Oral Health, 10:12, 2010.
- Milgrom P, Weinstein P, and Coldwell SE. “Malnutrition as an Etiological Factor in Dental Caries Disparity” pp. 381-395, in M. Wilson, ed. Food Constituents and Oral Health: Current Status and Future Prospects, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2009.
- Mobley C, Marshall TA, Milgrom P, and Coldwell SE. The Contribution of Dietary Factors to Dental Caries and Disparities in Caries, Academic Pediatrics, 9(6), pp. 410-414, 2009.
- Coldwell SE, Oswald TK, and Reed DR. A Marker of Growth Differs between Adolescents with High versus Low Sugar Preference, Physiology and Behavior, 96, 574-580, 2009.