Associate Dean for Research, School of Dentistry
Lloyd and Kay Chapman Endowed Chair for Oral Health
Associate Chair for Research,
Health Systems and Population Health
Professor, Oral Health Sciences
Professor, School of Public Health,
Health Systems and Population Health
Office: B-530D
- AB, Government, Cornell University
- DDS, Dentistry, University of Washington
- PhD, Health Services Research, University of Iowa
- Access to health care services
- Pediatric health disparities
- Neighborhoods and oral health outcomes
- Social determinants of oral health
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Banks J, Hill C, Chi DL. Plan type and opioid prescriptions for children in Medicaid. Medical Care. Accepted.
- Lee JN, Scott JM, Chi DL. (2020). Oral health behaviors and dental caries in low-income children with special health care needs. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. Nov;30(6):749-757. PMID: 32306501. PMCID: none
- Chi DL, Coldwell S, Mancl L, Hopkins S, Senturia K, Randall C, Orr E, Cruz S. (2019). Alaska Native Children Do Not Prefer Sugar-Sweetened Fruit Drinks Compared to Sugar-Free Fruit Drinks. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jun;119(6):984-990. PMID:30987919. PMCID: PMC6536342
- Chi DL, Rosenfeld M, Mancl L, Chung WO, Presland R, Sarvas E, Rothen M, McNamara S, Genatossio A, Virella-Lowell I, Milla C, Alkhateeb A. (2018). Age-Related Heterogeneity in Dental Caries and Associated Risk Factors in Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis Ages 6-20 years: A Pilot Study. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. Nov;17(6):747-759. PMID: 30005828. PMCID: PMC6589399
- Chi DL, Momany E, Mancl L, Lindgren S, Zinner S, Steinman K. (2016). Dental homes for children with autism: a longitudinal analysis of Iowa Medicaid’s I-Smile Program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. May;50(5):609-15. PMID: 26514624. PMCID: PMC4838561