Dr. Peng is the co-course director of the fixed prosthodontics for the second-year dental students. She also serves as a clinical attending for the third- and fourth-year dental students in the restorative clinic.
Dr. Peng’s research interest is digital dentistry, mainly in testing the printed materials for fixed and removal prostheses, comparing physical properties, accuracy, patient satisfaction, etc…. of different fabrication methods and materials in order to find a better option for clinical use and lab fabrication.
Dr. Peng had held the faculty appointment as a clinical assistant professor at University at Buffalo. She was the course director of indirect course for the second-year dental students She also supervised in the clinic for predoc dental students and post-graduate prosthodontic students. (2021-2024).
She is a member of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, American College of Prosthodontists, Academy of Osseointegration, and board-certified for the American Board of Prosthodontics.
Dr. Peng enjoys learning languages, music, and art.