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COVID-19 webinar recorded for dental providers

Washington dentists and other dental care providers who were unable to secure a slot for the School of Dentistry’s March 20 live webinar on patient care during the COVID-19 outbreak can now view a new recorded version. As with the live webinar, the recorded presentation is free of charge as a public service.

The presentation by Dr. Frank Roberts, Interim Chair of Periodontics, features updated information and is aimed at helping private dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants deliver urgent patient care during the outbreak. The presentation features basic information on the novel coronavirus and covers subjects including:

  • Personal protective equipment
  • Communicating with patients
  • What to do if a patient is COVID-19 positive
  • Dental procedures in the COVID-19 climate
  • Infection control

The webinar also features a panel discussion with Dean Gary Chiodo and Dr. Roberts, who also directs  the school’s Regional Initiatives in Dental Education program. Other panel members are Dr. Sara Gordon, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and a member of the school’s Oral Medicine faculty; Dr. Mark Drangsholt, Chair of Oral Medicine and holder of a PhD in epidemiology; and Dr. Rolf Christensen, Director of the Dental Urgent Care Clinic and member of the Oral Medicine faculty.

While the recorded webinar is free, registration is required. Those who complete the webinar will receive two hours of continuing-education credit.

To reduce the risk to patients and comply with directives by Gov. Jay Inslee, the school’s clinics have suspended all elective procedures. However, the school continues to provide urgent care, as do many private dentists.

“We felt that dentists and their staffs needed specific clinical guidance on treating patients with COVID-19 – how to handle different procedures, personal protective equipment, infection control, and other matters,” Dean Chiodo said earlier. “We are hoping to reach as many Washington dentists as possible with this information.”