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Dental Curriculum Threads

Dental Urgent and Emergent Care 2

Course Director: Rolf Christensen
Credits: 2
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 4

Course Overview

This course provides advanced instruction and clinical practice in the diagnosis and management of patients requiring urgent and emergent dental care, as well as patients needing assessment and care in the discipline of oral medicine. The course includes participation in clinical rotations to the Dental Urgent Care Clinic (DUCC), and the oral maxillofacial radiology (OMR) and oral medicine (OMCS) specialty clinics. Students will apply and clinically demonstrate their background in the dental, medical, and basic sciences to/on conditions affecting the head and neck area; they will participate in complex case management.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Communicate with patients in a respectful and culturally sensitive manner that establishes rapport and facilitates gathering of subjective data.2. Demonstrate effective patient interview skills.3. Complete an accurate medical history including medical and psychosocial problems that impact oral health and the delivery of dental care.4. Identify diseases and conditions that affect oral health and delivery of dental care, through general survey, vital signs, and complete physical examination of the head and neck.5. Develop preliminary and later more definitive working diagnoses that include differential diagnoses appropriate for signs and symptoms identified through the patient history, physical, and radiographic examination.6. Form concise accurate problem lists for the patient that include pertinent health issues and behaviors, pathology of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity and associated structures, urgent and emergent dental care needs, and the patient’s desires for treatment.7. Integrate into planned treatments medical, behavioral, and functional issues relevant to patients’ care.8. Facilitate the effective diagnosis and management of the patient’s oral and maxillofacial diseases and conditions, by prescribing, obtaining, and evaluating diagnostic radiographic imaging (including CBCT).9. Communicate with other health care providers in the form of consultations and referrals to physicians, dental specialists, or other clinics within the school.10. Implement care plans for urgent and emergent dental problems that include sequencing and the delivery of urgent and follow-up therapy.11. Perform patient evaluations and dental care on patients with diverse cultural backgrounds and patients with special healthcare needs.12. Demonstrate the diagnosis and initial management of patients with acute and chronic orofacial pain, mucosal abnormalities, diseases of the salivary glands, and chemosensory disorders.13. Demonstrate appropriate use of pharmacological agents for local anesthesia and pain, infection, and anxiety management.

UWSOD Competencies:C01, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C08, C09, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C-15, C-16, C-17, C-18, C-19, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-23, C-24, C-25, C-26, C-27, C-28, C-29, C-30, C-31, CE-02, CE-03, CE-05, CE-06, CE-07

Date last updated: 2023-09-19



Dental Curriculum Threads

Treatment of Patients with Special Needs 2

Course Director: Kimberly Espinoza
Credits: 2
Quarters/ Yr of Program: Autumn / 4

Course Overview

Students are exposed to the assessment process and treatment strategies for successful management of patients with developmental and acquired disabilities; geriatric patients; and anxious, fearful, or phobic patients. This is one course in a series of required courses focused on this subject and taken by all fourth-year dental students every quarter.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Provide clinical treatment using appropriate facilitation techniques for patients with developmental and acquired disabilities as well as geriatric patients.
2. Assess the needs of patients with special needs, geriatric patients, and dentally fearful patients, including non-dental considerations.
3. Outline the appropriate consent process when providing care for people with communication, cognitive or sensory impairments, patients requiring special care, and geriatric patients.
4. Use oral health social and environmental facilitators for the oral health promotion of patients with special needs.
5. Describe the different categories of dentally fearful individuals and appropriate behavioral management techniques for each patient presentation type.
6. Use appropriate patient facilitation techniques for anxious patients, geriatric patients, and patients with other special needs.
7. Use critical thinking to make case-specific modifications to “ideal” treatment plans for geriatric patients and patients with special needs.
8. Evaluate the need for teamwork and interprofessional liaison in the management of patients requiring special care.
9. Refer or arrange care for patients with complex needs.

UWSOD Competencies: C-10, C-02, C-09, C-06, CE-03, C-03, C-04, C-08, C-15, CE-01, C-14, C-28, C-12, C-13, C-31, C-17, C-05, C-11, C-30, C-18

Date last updated: 2024-07-08


Dental Curriculum Threads

Comprehensive General Dentistry 2

Course Director: Andy Marashi
Credits: 9
Quarters/Yr of Program: Autumn / 4

Course Overview

This clinical course includes all disciplines and phases of general dentistry. UWSOD faculty members mentor and supervise senior dental students as they develop a sound philosophy of comprehensive patient care applicable to the establishment of a future evidence-based general practice.

Learning Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to:

1. Provide evidence-based oral health care through the analysis and use of appropriate scientific and lay literature, and the application of the basic principles of critical thinking and problem-solving to scientific inquiry.
2. Provide oral health care using the advanced attributes of professionalism, including the self-assessment of the quality of one’s own work, the development of professional competencies, and the professional values and capacities associated with dedication to lifelong learning.
3. Apply the biomedical sciences to the delivery of oral health care using basic biological principles to support a high-level explanation of the etiology, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, pathogenesis, prevention, treatment, and prognosis of oral and oral-related disorders.
4. Create patient-centered approaches to comprehensive care using the fundamental principles of behavioral sciences.
5. Manage a diverse patient population using interpersonal and communications skills suitable for a multicultural work environment.
6. Collaborate with other members of the health care team to provide patient-centered care.
7. Provide oral health care ethically, meeting all expected professional responsibilities.
8. Manage the oral health care needs—within the scope of general dentistry–of patients with special needs and patients in all stages of life.
9. Solve complex problems in case management.
10. Effectively diagnose oral and maxillofacial diseases and conditions by performing head and neck exams, intraoral examinations, and recall exams; prescribing and evaluating diagnostic radiographic imaging (including CBCT) if needed; and recommending necessary biopsies, referrals, and other special evaluations.
11. Effectively prevent oral and maxillofacial diseases and conditions by incorporating risk assessment and prevention strategies for caries, periodontal disease, head and neck cancer, and other diseases.
12. Manage oral and maxillofacial diseases and conditions to establish and maintain health.
13. Design comprehensive sequenced and staged patient-centered dental treatment plans that address the needs and desires of the dental patient, integrating all dental specialties and other health care referrals into the patient’s oral health care in a coordinated manner.
14. Ensure the continued quality of treatment by performing post-treatment evaluations and end-of-treatment exams.
15. Apply the basic principles and philosophies of practice management, models of oral health care delivery, and how to function successfully as the leader of the oral health care team.
16. Provide oral health care within the scope of general dentistry, including recognizing the complexity of patient treatment and identifying when referral is indicated.
17. Control pain and anxiety, administering appropriate anesthesia as needed, during the provision of oral healthcare.
18. Provide health promotion and disease prevention (including caries management).
19. Manage the treatment of patients with special needs.
20. Manage pulpal and periapical diseases.
21. Manage the treatment of patients with complex medical conditions.
22. Manage dental and medical emergencies within the scope of general dentistry.
23. Replace teeth using fixed and removable prosthodontic therapies for natural dentition, dental implants, and edentulous spaces.
24. Manage orofacial and dental pain.
25. Manage TMJ disorders.

UWSOD Competencies: C-01, C-02, C-03, C-04, C-05, C-06, C-07, C-08, C-09, C-10, C-11, C-12, C-13, C-14, C-15, C-16, C-17, C-18, C-19, C-21, C-24, C-26, C-28, C-29, C-30, C-31, CE-01, CE-02, CE-03, CE-04, CE-06, CE-07

Date last updated: 2023-09-26