Daniel G. Pompa, DDS

Course Description
What alternative treatment options should be considered when the “Initial” Endodontic (Surgical or Non-surgical) Failure occurs?
With the introduction of new techniques and a systematic approach for the diagnosis and treatment of compromised teeth, the attendee will be able to more accurately determine the long term prognosis with multiple treatment options. Advancements in both surgical and non-surgical procedures have resulted in success rates that can be equivalent to the success rates for an implant replacement.
The title of the presentation does not only involve teeth. We will also describe when it is ideal to remove an implant and approaches to reduce the incidence of peri-implantitis. Prosthetic and Surgical approaches for interdental papilla enhancement will be described.
A description of a technique for previously thought of non-restorable teeth will be shown with long term positive results. Will will also review how data from recent publications about hemisected and periodontally compromised teeth have been improved. A discussion about treatment planning with an emphasis on bone physiology and physics will be reviewed.
Course Objectives:
As a result of attending this program, you should be able to:
- Differentiate between an Endo/Perio vs. Perio/Endo lesions
and understand the difference as it relates to a long term prognosis. - Know when it is NOT ideal to remove a tooth and replace with an implant.
- Recognize how the location of a sinus tract can be a key critical
diagnostic indicator for the long term prognosis. - Incorporate a simple radiographic technique to use when evaluating a
tooth for a fracture. - Understand the principles of guided tissue regeneration, and know the
indications and contraindications for its use with Endo/Perio lesions. - Appreciate how the use of a surgical guide can significantly reduce
complications. ie minimizing Peri-implantitis and Early Crestal Bone loss. - Discuss the statistical difference for the long term Prognosis of Root Canal
Treatment vs. Apical Surgery vs. Removal and Implant Placement. - Become aware that many long held and generally accepted principles
over time do not always hold up ie: Long term prognosis for Hemi-sected
teeth, Teeth with 50% bone loss maintained indefinitely. - Develop new approaches to Treatment Planning incorporating principles
of physics and bone physiology. - See how the development and incorporation of Sinus Augmentation has
changed our approach to Treatment Planning. - Elaborate on how to Prosthetically perform both Crown Lengthening and
Papilla Enhancement. - Discuss options with multiple challenging cases.
- Gain knowledge about the different Biotypes and the effect on Implant
Esthetics and Long Term Osseous Changes.
Daniel G. Pompa is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. He is a Fellow in both The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Dr. Pompa practiced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for over 30 years in New York City and now lectures full-time.
In the October 2023 issue of “Dentistry Today”, Dr. Pompa was cited as a “Leader in Continuing Dental Education” for 2024. He was also listed in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Dr. Pompa has been a guest speaker multiple times at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York University College of Dentistry, University of Florida College of Dentistry, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and the Oregon Health Science University School of Dentistry. Dan has also presented at the Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine in Arizona, University of Tennessee College of Dental Medicine and Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. In 2024, he has been invited to present at three new Dental Schools.
Dr. Pompa has published in numerous journals including: The “Journal of the American Dental Association”*, “Dentistry Today”**, and the “New York State Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry”***. Dan has been featured as a Seminar Series Speaker/Consultant for the American Dental Association and is presently a Colgate Speaker.
Dr. Pompa has now presented over 500 lectures both Nationally and Internationally. The Medical Emergency full-day course in now being presented throughout the U.S. and Canada and has also been presented in Europe and South America. Dan also has lecture topics on Dental Implants: “To Pull or Not to Pull” and “The Single Tooth Implant” and also a new topic: “The Role of the Dental Professional in the Treatment of the Diabetic Patient”. All of these presentations are for the entire Dental Team.
Dan is also an inventor, having been issued a U.S. Patent for his contribution in developing a protocol for CT Guided Surgery in Dental Implantology. His patent (U.S. Patent #5,320,529) is cited today by over 350 new patents.
Dan is an avid golfer and has organized several Charity Golf Tournaments to raise money for our Veterans at the Northport VA Hospital. He is also the host of the “New York Classic Film Club” which is in its eighth year and meets at the Port Washington Public Library on Long Island, New York.
Dan has many hobbies and interests over the years that he has shared with his wife and two sons. These include traveling, skiing, golf, chess, photography, biking, and film studies. If he is not on the road presenting lectures he can often be found on the golf course with his wife or playing with and spoiling his five grandchildren.
*-Pompa, DG: Guided Tissue Repair of Complete Buccal Dehiscences Associated with Periapical Defects: A Clinical Retrospective Study, JADA, 128 (July): 989-997, 1997
**-Pompa, DG: Current Concepts in Periapical Surgery, Dentistry Today, 96-100, Vol. 16, No. 12, December 1997
***-Pompa, DG: Update on Basic Physical Diagnosis, Journal of The New York State Academy of Dentistry, Winter 2014
***-Pompa, DG: Diabetes and the Dentists new role in Recognition and Screening: A1c in-office testing as a new ADA Procedure code (D0411), Journal of the New York Academy of Dentistry, Spring, 2018
- Dr. Pompa has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
- The staff of the University of Washington Office of Continuing Dental Education have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Course Logistics
Friday, May 16, 2025
The Mountaineers Club
7700 Sandpoint Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
For all Health Professionals and Teams
8:00am – 8:30am Check-in and breakfast
8:30am – 4:30pm Pacific Standard time
TUITION: – price includes lunch
Until May 14; after, $50 more
$179/Dental Hygienist, Dental Assistant and Office Staff
$251/Current Dental Alumni Member
* This course is eligible for a 10% tuition discount if you are a current member of the UW Dental Alumni Association.
6 hours
Conflict of Interest
In accordance with the ADA CERP Standard V., everyone involved in planning or presenting this educational activity will be required to disclose any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests and this information will be made available to participants at the start of the course.
As a continuing education provider, University of Washington Continuing Dental Education is responsible for ensuring the content, quality and scientific integrity of all continuing dental education activities for which credit is provided. The School is also responsible for taking steps to protect against and/or disclose any conflict of interest of the faculty/instructors presenting those courses.
Cancellation and Refunds
For this in person lecture, a registration refund will be issued for cancellations received by Wednesday, May 14, 2025. Registration will remain open until Wednesday, May 14, 2025- however we will accept walk-in registrations the day of the class, Friday, May 16, 2025 with an additional $50 late fee. NO REFUNDS will be accepted after Wednesday, May 14, 2025. Cancellations must be received in email to dentalce@uw.edu The cancellation request must include: the name of the course, name of the person registered, name of the person requesting the cancellation, and the reason for the cancellation.
By providing my information, I consent to receive communication via mail, email, fax, and phone from the University of Washington Continuing Dental Education office. The Continuing Dental Education office will not share your information with anyone.
Dental education institutions have an obligation to disseminate new knowledge related to dental practice. In so doing, some presentations may include controversial materials or commercial references. Sponsorship of a continuing education course by the University of Washington does not necessarily imply endorsement of a particular philosophy, procedure, or product by this institution.
The University of Washington Continuing Dental Education cautions continuing dental education participants that there are potential risks of using limited knowledge when incorporating new techniques and procedures into the practice of dentistry, especially when the continuing education course has not provided supervised clinical experience and/or competency tests in the techniques or procedures.
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Local: (206) 543-5448
Toll Free: (866) 791-1278
Email: dentalce@uw.edu
University of Washington
Continuing Dental Education
Box 357137
Seattle, WA 98195-7137
The University of Washington is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between the University of Washington and ACDE member schools.
The University of Washington is a member of the Association for Continuing Dental Education.
University of Washington designates this activity for 6 continuing education credits.