Policy moved to UWSOD Intranet.
Approval/Effective Date: 2/27/2008
Last Reviewed: 1/17/2023
Policy: The UW School of Dentistry has designated the Compliance Director as the individual within the School responsible for overall implementation and operation of the Compliance Program. The Compliance Director officially reports to the Associate Dean of Information Management and Quality Improvement.
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to assign and communicate the responsibility for implementation and operation of the School’s Compliance Program.
Procedures: The Compliance Director will be responsible for ensuring that:
- Practices and procedures are reviewed and updated as necessary.
- Staff, faculty and vendor screening mechanisms are in place and are operating properly.
- Independent contractors and agents who furnish services to the School are aware of the requirements of the Compliance Program.
- Staff, students and faculty are receiving adequate education and training and that such education and training is documented.
- Internal compliance reviews and monitoring activities are conducted.
- Staff, student and faculty complaints and other concerns regarding compliance are acknowledged and promptly investigated.
- Adequate steps are taken to correct any identified problems and prevent the reoccurrence of such problems.
- External sources of compliance issues are monitored and utilized as prompts for examining School activities.