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Compliance and Training Committee

Policy moved to UWSOD Intranet.

Approval/Effective Date: 2/27/2008
Last Reviewed: 1/17/2023

Policy: The UW School of Dentistry Compliance and Training Committee advises the Dean and assists the Compliance Director with implementation and operation of the Compliance Program.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to assign and communicate the responsibilities of the Compliance and Training Committee.

Procedures: The Compliance Director presents reports to the Compliance and Training Committee on a regular basis, including audit results, event reporting data, status of projects and requests for recommendations or support.

School of Dentistry Compliance and training Committee

Members:  Members are appointed by the Dean and include faculty, students, staff, and Attorney General’s Office representation.

Meetings:  At minimum, the Committee will meet monthly.

Role:  The primary role of the Compliance and Training Committee is to make recommendations on School of Dentistry risk posture, policies, training requirements and consequences for non-compliance. The Committee also participates in compliance work plan development and monitors overall status of school-wide compliance.